
Menampilkan postingan dari November, 2014

Ballistic Hack Damage + Amo + Wallhack 30 November 2014

DOWNLOAD 1. CHEAT ENGGINE  2. BALLISTIC HACK  Ballistic Feature  1.Show Nick Player : Display nick player, blue and red, for the blood of a friend there is bar display.  2.Infinite Ammo and No Recoil : we will not run out of bullets, but we must change weapons [Q] after firing a few enemies, because sometimes there is no damage.  3.More Damage :  Add more damage per bullet, able to 1 hit kill. step: 1.Download and Instal Cheat Engine (Do not Open, just install) 2.Download Ballistic 2 Trainer 3.Log in to your facebook account then Play Ballistic FPS 4.Open Ballistic Trainer, select process browser (recom use firefox) 5.Then Enable hack in the lobby game (make sure hack is active A and B) 6.Done, now kill your enemy

Baseball Heroes Hack 30 November 2014

DOWNLOAD 1. CHEAT ENGGINE  2. BASEBALL HACK Baseball heroes 1.Download and Instal Cheat Engine (do not open) 2.Log in to your facebook avccount then play baseball beroes game (after you log in to the game, do not click anything) 3.Now, open Baseball Heroes Trainer, then click select process, select process in accordance with your browser (Ex : Firefox Win 7 then select FlashPlayerPlugin) NOTE : If you use Google Chrome browser, open only one tab in a browser, then you select the process on the trianer, after that click inject. After click inject, you can open more than one tabs in your browser 4.Next steps, select hack then click enable NOTE : You must activate or enable the "bypass" first before activating another hack 5.Back to the game, now play the game and get your Grand Slam

Cheat Perfect Criminal Case

Download Cheat Engine Download Script Criminal Case / Jika ingin langsung Copy paste jangan copy nomor urutan 1 sampai 15 yang di samping kiri copy Scriptnya saja Buka Kriminal Casenya ... Install Dan buka Cheat engine Pilih proses list dan cari " Plugin-Container " Pilih Memory View Lalu pilih "Tools" > "Auto Asemmble" Lalu Massukan Script Yang Telah Di download Tadi dan Klik "Execute" jika ada Peringatan Tekan "Yes" saja Lalu Main dan Kalian Klik Asal Saja ( Tidak usak Mengikuti Petunjuk ) tanpa kalian ikuti petunjuk juga bisa menang ( Sekali lagi Klik Asal aj Di game Criminal Casenya Jangan Mengikuti Petunjuk ) Have Fun
Cheat Exp Farmville 2 Download Cheat Engine Dulu Beb Disini !!! 1. Masukkan Farmville 2 2. Buka Cheat Engine 3. Scan value = "4 Byte" 4. Kemudian Scan 45000 dan ubah value 0 5. Sekarang klik toserba dan membeli "Gerbak Jerami" dan taruh dilahan kamu. 6. Sampai Naik Level yg di inginkan.

Cheat Coins Farmville 2

Cheat Coins FarmVille 2    Download Cheat Engine Disini Beb !!! 1. Buka Game FarmVille 2   2.  Buka Cheat Engine 3. Scan 1000000 dan ubah value menjadi 1 4. Pergi ke Toserba cari bangunan Tanah Bangsawan HarvEstate 5. Beli , kemudian back ke C.E 6. New Scan 50000 dan ubah value menjadi 500000 (kami sarankan ga usah banyak2 tar jadi lola) 7. Kemudian Jual Tanah Bangsawan HarvEstate, 8. Ulangin langkah 4 - 7 sampai coinmu banyak


A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z


  Telah Release cheat terbaru dari kami :3 Cheat Point Blank Fullhack segera download saja dgn link dibawah ini. Jangan takut dibanned karna Cheat ini sudah dilengkapi fitur Anti Banned 100%   Hotkey : Anti Banned ID = Langsung Aktif / Auto ON Wallhack Mode = INSERT  ON / OFF Unlimited Ammo =  F9 ON / OFF Burst piso 1 Hit = END ON / OFF Skill,Quck change+Auto Fullhack Tero/ Teroris/ team Merah= F11 ON / F11 OFF (F10 = Cit Pangkat ) Skill,Quck change+Auto Fullhack Police / Polisi / team Biru= F11 ON / F11 OFF  (F10 = Cit Pangkat ) No Recoil + AWP Lurus = Home ON / OFF On kan Di dalam room- sebelum keluar offkan! Jump/Fly mode = F5 ON / OFF  Download Cheat nya disini : DOWNLOAD   Passwordnya disini :  DOWNLOAD

Cafeland hack 28 november 2014

DOWNLOAD 1. CHEAT ENGGINE  2. CAFELAND Cafeland 1.Log into your facebook account then Play Cafeland Game.  2.After that open Cafeland trainer then select process browser (Ex : Firefox Win 7 or above select FlashPlayerPlugin, Firefox Win XP select Plugin-container and Google Chrome select Chrome. NOTE : For Google Chrome only open 1 tab)  3.Back to the game then click Throw A Party menu then start the Party.  4.After that back to the trainer then enable all hack.

Criminal Case hack 28 november 2014

DOWNLOAD 1 .CHEAT ENGGINE 2. CRIMINAL CASE criminal case  1.Download and Instal Cheat Engine then Download and extract trainer 2.Open game Criminal Case on facebook 3.Open Criminal Case Trainer 4.Select Process browser ( FlashPlayerPlugin or Other process then click "Inject" Button.  NOTE : If you use Google Chrome browser, open only one tab in a browser, then you select the process on the trianer, after that click inject. After click inject, you can open more than one tabs in your browser. 5.Then select hack you want to use,among others: Hidden Object Scene Time Attack Scene Puzzle Scenes Spot The Differences

Kings Road hack 28 november 2014

DOWNLOAD 1. CHEAT ENGGINE  2. KINGS ROAD King roads Feature -Pause and Play - Bypass (must active)  - Attack & Movement Speed ​​Bonus - Extra Movement (use with previous entry) - Self collect gold - Auto-attack all visible (aggro range is screen size?) - Ranged melee (should be only for knight?) Steps= 1.Log in to your facebook Account then Play Kings Road Game. 2.Open Cheat Engine then Select process browser. 3.Then load or open Kingsroad.CT file. 4.When loading the game more than 60%, tick "Speed Hack Zero". 5.Now, tick Bypass hack (you must activate Bypass after activating Speed Hack Zero). 6.Then tick hack according to your wishes, after that uncheck "Speed Hack Zero". 7.Done, see your range attack, speed and attack speed.

Mengatasi Google Chrome Yang tidak bisa di buka /Eror

Caranya Adalah Dengan Menge klik Kanan Crome -Properties-Shortcurt-Dan Tulis (  -no-sandbox " ) Aplly Done :D selamat mencoba Saya juga Kasih SS =

Cheat Castile Clash new! 27 November 2014

DOWNLOAD 1. CHEAT ENGGINE 2. TRAINER CASTLE CLASH fiture = 1.Rage 2.Rapid Atack 3.Damage Turotial= 1.Download and install cheat engine (do not open, just install) 2.Download Castle Clash Range and Rapid Attack Hack 3.Open facebook then play Castle Clash 4.After you get in to the game, open Castle Clash Range and Damage V.04 5.Then select process browser (Firefox Win 7 use FlashPlayerPlugin, Firefox Win XP use Plugin-container, Google Chrome use Chrome) 6.After that enable all hack. 7.Back to the game then attack your enemy and get your victory

NETCUT 3.0 (Software Pemotong Aluran Wifi)

Software ini hanya untuk kalian kalian para Pecinta Wifi yg tidak mau berbagi data dgn orang lain , Tapi ingat software ini untuk Windows 7/Vista/Pro/Ultimate/dll. kecuali Windows 8 Silahkan Download dibawah ini : INGAT GUNAKAN DENGAN BIJAK !!! DOWNLOAD


Telah update cheat terbaru dari kami , yaitu Cheat Lost Saga Skill No Delay . Sebelumnya kami telah bekerja sama dengan Pekalongan Komunity tentang pembuatan cheat ini jadi apapun alasannya Cheat ini telah diatas namakan Pekalongan Komunity . Dan tenang cheat ini 100% Aman anti banned , Jika char anda ter Banned karena menggunakan Cheat ini silahkan tinggalkan coment di bawah . Tunggu apa lagi silahkan Download dari link dibawah : Bebas Aktivasi F6  DOWNLOAD Password : DISINI

King Of Towers Hack 26 November 2014

Steep: 1.Download and Instal CHEAT ENGGINE 2.Download KING OF TOWERS 3.Log in to your facebook account and Play The King Of Tower 4.After you are in homepage game, log in to battle map 5.Open Trainer, select your process browser.  NOTE : If you use Google Chrome browser, open only one tab in a browser, then you select the process on the trianer, after that click inject. After click inject, you can open more than one tabs in your browser. 6.Then Enable all hack in the Battle Map 7.After that, let's defeat your enemy. 8.NOTE : For New User Hack, You must fortify all towers before use hack.

Kumpulan MP3 Habib Syech

Asallamualaikum Wr. Wb.  Bagi kalian yang kesulitan mencari Qosidah - Qosidah dan Sholawat dari Habib Syech Abdul Qodir Asseqaf , anda memasuki Blog yang tepat yang dimana langsung memberikan link download Qosidah serta Sholawat tersebut, Semoga berguna dan Bermanfaat dan memberikan Anda kesejukan serta ketenangan Hati setelah mendengar Asma - Asma Allah dan Nabi Muhammad "Shollu Allan Nabi Muhammad" Habib Syech - Anta Nasakhotun.mp3   Habib Syech - Sholliwasalimda.mp3   Habib Syech - Mammada.mp3   Habib Syech - Al Madad.mp3   Habib Syech - Ya Toybah.mp3   Habib Syech - Nurul Musthofa.mp3   Habib Syech - Allahul Kahfi.mp3 Habib Syech - Subhanallah.mp3 Habib Syech - Lir Ilir.mp3 Habib Syech - Laillahaillalloh.mp3 Habib Syech - Mamadda.mp3 Habib Syech - Shollatullahima.mp3 Habib Syech - Ya Waridal musthofa.mp3 Habib Syech - Kisah Sang Rosul.mp3 Habib Syech - Ya Robbah Makkah.mp3 Habib Syech - Da'uni.mp3 Habib Syech - Ahlan Wa S...


CR969-BP6X6-7JDVR-CHX7G-YVWC4 83336 active online 9F49R-GYXTM-26WD6-MG3MC-Y6QY6 1167 active online W9M6K-WV4VV-PRDGM-K6JMP-G877J 972 active online 3XPYJ-X47MW-VFDHB-8X4XG-299TC 35 active online CR969-BP6X6-7JDVR-CHX7G-YVWC4 83336 active online 9F49R-GYXTM-26WD6-MG3MC-Y6QY6 1167 active online W9M6K-WV4VV-PRDGM-K6JMP-G877J 972 active online 3XPYJ-X47MW-VFDHB-8X4XG-299TC active online Jgn lupa Kunjungi kami lagi yo .. :3

TRICK Memasang Kabel LAN RJ45

=-= Crimping Tool, pilih yang gerakan penekanannya vertikal, biasanya hasilnya lebih bagus bila dibandingkan yang horizontal (gerakan mata crimping sejajar dengan gerakan penekanan tangan) LAN tester Gunting Bahan yang perlu di persiapkan sebagai berikut: 1.  Kabel LAN dan Plug RJ45, Cara menyambungnya Potong kabel sesuai dengan kebutuhan lalu kupas kulit bagian luarnya kurang lebih 1 cm. Kemudian susun sesuai dengan urutan berikut: Susunan Stright : - Orange-putih - Orange - Hijau-putih - Biru - Biru-putih - Hijau - Coklat-putih - Coklat ujung satunya persis sama. Perhatikan gambar berikut: Susunan Cross : Ujung yang satu - Hijau-putih - Hijau - Orange-putih - Biru - Biru-putih - Orange - Coklat-putih - Coklat Sedangkan ujung satunya lagi - Orange-putih - Orange - Hijau-putih - Biru - Biru-putih - Hijau - Coklat-putih - Coklat Sebagai ilustrasi perhatikan gambar berikut: 2. Rapikan susunan kabel dengan cara meratakan ujungnya dengan menggunak...

Kings Road Hack 24 November 2014

CHEAT ENGGINE KINGS ROAD CHEAT FEATURE : -Pause and Play - Bypass (must active) - Attack & Movement Speed ​​Bonus - Extra Movement (use with previous entry) - Self collect gold - Auto-attack all visible (aggro range is screen size?) - Ranged melee (should be only for knight?) USE CHEAT = 1.Log in to your facebook Account then Play Kings Road Game 2.Open Cheat Engine then Select process browser 3.Then load or open Kingsroad V.06.CT 4.When loading the game more than 60%, tick "Speed Hack Zero" 5.Now, tick Bypass hack (you must activate Bypass after activating Speed Hack Zero) 6.Then tick hack according to your wishes, after that uncheck "Speed Hack Zero" 7.Done, see your range attack, speed and attack speed

Castle Clash Hack 24 November 2014

CHEAT ENGGINE HERE TRAILER CASTLE CLASH HERE Castle Clash Step= 1.Download and install cheat engine (do not open, just install) 2.Download Castle Clash Range and Rapid Attack CT File 3.Open facebook then play Castle Clash 4.After you get in to the game, open cheat engine 5.On the cheat engine, select process browser (exampe : FlashPlayerPlugin) 6.After that load or open Castle Clash Range Attack CT file then tick small box on the adress list. 7.Back to the game then attack your enemy and get your victory.

Phantom Chronicle 20 November 2014

DOWNLOAD TRAILER HERE CHEAT ENGGINE HERE TUROTIAL/penggunaan = 1.Log in to your facebook account then play phantom chronicle game 2.Open trainer then select process browser then click Inject. NOTE : If you use Google Chrome browser, open only one tab in a browser, then you select the process on the trianer, after that click inject. After click inject, you can open more than one tabs in your browser. 3.Enable all features hack in the trainer. 4Enjoy the game. JGN LUPA KUNJUNGI LAGI YO :d

Lets Fish Hack

Bahan= 1.Cheat Engine CHEAT ENGGINE HERE 2.Lets Fish V.8.2.0 - Update on Thrusday,20 ‎November 2014 DOWLOAD CHEAT HERE 3.web browser Steps/cara pemakaian = 1.Download and Insatal Cheat Engine (do not open) then CT file 2.Sign in to game Let's Fish (do not click "Cast the line" first) 3.Open Cheat Engine Select process to open then (FlashPlayerPlugin for firefox or chrome.exe for google chrome) 5.Then load CT File 6.After that, tick litlle box 7.Done :3 Jgn lupa kunjungi kami terus y gan :D


DOWNLOAD DI SINI GAN  Kali ini saya mau berbagi cara tentang Hide Administator- dari bagian file rusak,hiden registry,hiden task manager,hiden cmd Cara mengatasi bagaimana ya gan ? Nah caranya adalah download software SALITY KILLER yang berfungsi membunuh malware-virus-phirsing dari komputer kita Bagai mana cara pakainya ? JIka agan mengunakan OS / sytem win xp dan vista anda harus mengunakan sality/edit registry FIX REX.RAR - RMSLT.RAR- Jika anda mengunakan OS/sytem win7-8 anda harus menggunakan - Gan Kok ngk ada efeknya sama sekali dan ngk bisa gan !! Efect akan muncul setelah agan selesai --lalu agan restart komputer agan :3 work 100000000000 % Jgn lupa kunjungi kami yo :D klo ada saran-req-maupun keluhan harap hubungi saya :D

8 BALL POOL CHEAT 19 November 2014

DOWNLOAD CHEAT 8 POOL HERE 8 Pool cara cheat / Steep  : 1.Download 8 Ball Pool Hack CT File 2.Log in to your facebook account, then play 8 ball pool 3.After you get in the lobby game, do not start a new game 4.Open Cheat Engine, then select process browse (ex : FlashPlayerPlugin) 5.Now, load or open 8 Ball Pool Hack CT File 6.Then tick little box (only tick one box) 7.Now, lets play the game (this hack work for all room) BE HAPPY AND VISIT AGAIN OK ? :3

Pool Arena Hack long line 19 November 2014

DOWNLOAD HERE 1.Log in to your facebook account then play Pool Arena Facebook Game 2.When you are in the game lobby, open trainer 3.On the trainer click "select process" then select process you use (ex : FlashPlayerPlugin), then click "Inject" button 4.After that, select hack list and click enable (you must enable all hack) 5.Back to the game and play the game be happy :D

Cheat Engine Full Version

Cheat Engine Full Version Langsung Sedot aja Bebz....!!!!!!!! Cheat Engine64.exe Cheat Engine63.exe Cheat Engine62.exe Cheat Engine61.exe Cheat Engine60.exe Cheat Engine561.exe

Habib syech-Waridal_Mustofa.


Criminal Case Hack Energy 18 November 2014

DOWNLOAD HERE 1.Log in to your facebook accaount then play Criminal Case game 2.After you log in tto the game, clear message. 3.Open Criminal Case Hack Energy then fill dummy email then fill passowrd email. 4. After that click Launch button. SUMBER =



KING OF TOWERS 17 November 2014


MARKED LAND HACK 15 November 2014

FITURE: 1.bypass : must activate before activating other hack. coupon : Infinite shop coupon card : Infinite delivery card 4.product card : Infinite product card 5.give shop coupon get 1000 coins 6.give shop coupon get 1000 Exp DOWNLOAD HERE Jgn LUPa mAmpir lagi ya :D

The King Of Towers 12 November 2014


Driver Booster + Serial Number

DOWNLOAD HERE :3  1.Download dan Install iObit Driver Booster 2     — Pastikan kamu sudah terhubung dengan Internet – 2.Jika sudah terbuka, Lihat tombol “Activate Now” di kanan bawah program. 3.Klik tombol “Enter License”, Masukan Serial Number yang sudah kamu download lalu klik       “Activate”.  4.Selesai, Jika gagal, coba matikan Internet kamu. Semoga Bermanfaat bagi BEBEB ku :3

Cinderella Story Unlimited Gold and Silver

DOWNLOAD HERE Play Ciderella Story on Fcebook : - See more at: Play Ciderella Story on Fcebook : - See more at: Play Ciderella Story on Fcebook : 1.Download and Inastall Cheat Engine (do not open it) 2.Download Ciderella Story Hack (do not open yet) 3.Log in to your facebook account then play Ciderella Story 4.Open Ciderella Story Hack 5.Then select process borwser, after that click "continue" button 6.Enable all hack then enjoy your game

Les'tFish always Cat fish

DOWNLOAD HERE 1.Download and Insatal Cheat Engine (do not open) then CT file 2.Sign in to game Let's Fish (do not click "Cast the line" first) 3.Open Cheat Engine 4.Select process to open then select (FlashPlayerPlugin for firefox or chrome.exe for google chrome) 5.Then load CT File 6.After that, tick litlle box 7.Done

Phantom Chronicle Hack

DOWNLOAD HERE phantom hack use : 1.Download and install cheat engine, if you do not have cheat engine. 2.Log in to your facebook account then play phantom chronicle game 3.Open trainer then select process browser then click Inject. NOTE : If you use Google Chrome browser, open only one tab in a browser, then you select the process on the trianer, after that click inject. After click inject, you can open more than one tabs in your browser. 4.Enable all features hack in the trainer. 5.Enjoy the game. JGN LUPA TERUS MAMPIR YA BEB :3

8 ball pool Instant Win

DOWNLOAD HERE Steps use of 8 Ball Poll Hack Instant Win:     1.Open 8 Ball Poll (just up to lobby)     2.Open cheat engine and select your process browser     3.Then open or load 8 Ball Pool Instant Win.CT and tick small box on address list box.     4.Back to 8 ball poll, click play.     5.and Wait until your opponent out from the game. (NOTE : if you want play again, you mus reload the game then repeat the steps from number two to four). KUNJUNGI TERUS BLOG KAMI :3

AIO Hacker Super Tool AZBUNZ TEAM


Phyton + tool azbunz team


Havij PRO Cracked 1.6 azbunz team


Shell Backdor 188 files


Web Cruiser PRO & Req




Auto GB avatar online 2 in 1

TURORIAL: 1. Buka Aplikasinya (Link download dibawah) 2. Pilih Auto Play 3. Login dengan akun utama Anda (akun yang ingin diisi koin) 4. Masuk ke Club, masuk ke room dan pilih bangkunya. Jangan lupa untuk set taruhannya jika perlu di password 5. Tekan dan tahan tombol * lalu pilih Auto GB 6. Klik Menu lalu Pilih Setting Akun 7. Masukan data akun yang  telah dibuat dengan ID Creator 8. Pilih ruang dan bangku yang ditempati akun utama tadi 9. Tekan siap. Selesai... Auto GB .jar Auto GB .zip

Cheat Long hack Pool Arena

1.Log in to your facebook account then play Pool Arena Facebook Game 2.When you are in the game lobby, open trainer 3.On the trainer click "select process" then select process you use (ex : FlashPlayerPlugin), then click "Inject" button 4.After that, select hack list and click enable (you must enable all hack) 5.Back to the game and play the game DONLOAD CHEAT .CT

Smadav pro 9.8 + license


King Of Tower

DWONLOAD TRAINER HERE Cara Pakai : 1.Download and Instal Cheat Engine 2.Download The King Of Tower Trainer 3.Log in to your facebook account and Play The King Of Tower 4.After you are in homepage game, log in to battle map 5.Open Trainer, select your process browser.   NOTE : If you use Google Chrome browser, open only one tab in a browser, then you select the process on the trianer, after that click inject. After click inject, you can open more than one tabs in your browser. 6.For Trainer New User, Enable all hack in home page 7.After that, let's defeat your enemy. 8.NOTE : For New User Hack, You must fortify all towers before use hack.

Avatar Online Auto GB For Android (new)

                                                   DISINI BEB KLO MAU DOWNLOAD :3 Cara Pemakaian 1. Akun Utama mengunakan AOI origional 2.masuk ke aplikasi auto GB nya 3.Login Ddengan Akun yang salah/ failed login 4.Lansung Buat ID creators di menu pilihanya 5.Tunggu sampai terputus 6.Setting akun 7.Klik mulai 8.apabila muncul pesan /tulisan eror Biarkan saja 9.Menunggu di akun utama ... sedangkan akun Tumbal akan keluar masuk dengan sendirinya 10.done Jgn lupa kunjungi terus ya beb :3