Markedland Hack Tool Money+Credit+Xp level

Steps to use this hack :

    1.Download and instal cheat engine (do not open)
    2.Download marketland trainer
    3.Log in to your facebook account then play Marketland
    4.Open marketland trainer then select process browser then click "attach" button then click "continue" button
    5.After that, enable all hack (NOTE : you must activate bypass hack before activating other hack.)
    6.After the activation process is complete, it's time to play.

Marketland Hack Level Up Steps :

    1.Start CheatEngine
    2.Select Flashplayerplugin process
    3.Change the Value Type to Array of byte.
    4.Scan this 66 C1 2A 66 E9 22 5D 15 D3 46 15 01 A1 61 E9 22
    5.Right click the address that pops up in the box and select Change value of selected address.
    6.Now modify the value to this: 66 C1 2A 66 E9 22 25 80 01 24 00 A2 A1 61 E9 22
    7.This will freeze the number of shopper cards the blue cards you have, so you will have an infinite supply of them that you will hand out to your clients.
    8.Scan this: 20 AC 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 14 40 00
    9.Right click the address that show up in the left box and choose Change value of selected address.
    10.Now modify the value to this: 20 AC 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF 40 00
    11.Now every time you give a shopper card to a client, you'll level up


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