Kings Rush Hack 13 March 2015
Copyright@Tori Game
NOTE: For infinite life is use speed hack and you must wait until you get 2 life before to fight and also you must get some coins before enable coins hack.
Turotial =
1.Log into facebook then play The Game.
2.After you get into the home page of the game, open Cheat Engine.
3.On the cheat engine select process browser in accordance with your browser. Example: FlashPlayerPlugin for Firefox OS win 7, plugin-container.exe for Firefox OS Win XP and chrome.exe for Google Chrome browser all OS. For other browser searching by yourself.
4.Then load or open Kings Rush CT file.
5.Within Kings Rush CT there are Speed Hack, if you not have life to fight and must wait long time to get a life, use speed hack by tick small box and note, you must wait until you get 2 life before fight.
6.After you get 2 life click FIGHT button to fight.
7.Now, stpes to get unlimited coins.
8.After you click FIGHT button then collect some coins (mins 1 coins) then back to cheat engine and enable Inf Coins A and Inf Coins B by tick the small box.
9.Now back again to the game and collect some coins again.
10.After that, out from the FIGHT then see your coins, your coins will be added 999999 coins each after FIGHT.
NOTE: For infinite life is use speed hack and you must wait until you get 2 life before to fight and also you must get some coins before enable coins hack.
Turotial =
1.Log into facebook then play The Game.
2.After you get into the home page of the game, open Cheat Engine.
3.On the cheat engine select process browser in accordance with your browser. Example: FlashPlayerPlugin for Firefox OS win 7, plugin-container.exe for Firefox OS Win XP and chrome.exe for Google Chrome browser all OS. For other browser searching by yourself.
4.Then load or open Kings Rush CT file.
5.Within Kings Rush CT there are Speed Hack, if you not have life to fight and must wait long time to get a life, use speed hack by tick small box and note, you must wait until you get 2 life before fight.
6.After you get 2 life click FIGHT button to fight.
7.Now, stpes to get unlimited coins.
8.After you click FIGHT button then collect some coins (mins 1 coins) then back to cheat engine and enable Inf Coins A and Inf Coins B by tick the small box.
9.Now back again to the game and collect some coins again.
10.After that, out from the FIGHT then see your coins, your coins will be added 999999 coins each after FIGHT.
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